A records clerk in the Toledo police investigative services bureau will face departmental charges of gross misconduct because a state database was used to access information about the Springfield Township man known worldwide as "Joe the Plumber."

The clerk, Julie McConnell, will be the subject of a disciplinary hearing, likely to be scheduled next week, Chief Mike Navarre said yesterday.

Ms. McConnell was hired by the police department in April, 1995, and is a member of Local 7, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees.

An internal investigation began when Toledo police received a call from the Ohio Highway Patrol, asking why information on Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher was pulled. The chief said Ms. McConnell looked up the information at the request of a local television reporter to confirm Mr. Wurzelbacher's address.

The reporter was interviewed as part of the investigation.

Such information, though found on public records, was accessed through the Law Enforcement Automated Data System, often called LEADS.

"You can't use that database unless it was for law enforcement purposes," Chief Navarre said. "If a crime was committed and she was looking up the address or the name of a victim or witness, that would be OK."

This poor soul will likely have to take the fall for the Obama campaign...