there's a lot of pro-manny chatter lately. i am anti, despite the offensive beast he became in LA. however, its very much a steinbrenner type of move, so i wouldn't doubt it.

i am thrilled to see pavano go. i wouldn't mind having giambi return, but only for a greatly reduced salary (i think he was at 19? how about 5)

abreu i would actually like to see return, especially if giambi doesn't, because he would be one of the only patient hitters on the team. though, he's also in the 17 mil range and should be under, or at least near, 10.

moose and pettitte i think will both be back. pettitte for, perhaps, a final season. i think if moose returns for one more, he'd actually return for two or three.

its unknown how hideki will play, with now two surgecially repaired legs. damon is significantly more fragile. even posada is aiming towards an, at best, 130games.

lots of stuff up in the air for 09

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