it really does seem like a "ny" type decision, of "oh shit, we need this teh mostest!!1!"

he's the best pitcher available on the market, but not the best pitcher of all time, so a deal like this is a bit weird. then again, the yankees really are desperate for starters. rookies and injuries aside, it's like they mathematically don't have enough of them, and a guy like CC offers a ton.

he's young (comparatively), healthy (comparatively) and very reliable. really good, solid stats. but can he pitch in the big city? and more importantly, in october? we'll see.

this deal is getting a lot of notice, especially because they yankees passed on the santana opportunity last year. even with hindsight, i like this deal better, as the yankees aren't giving up anything but cash. granted, its a ridiculous amount, but... i also like that its a long-term deal, which although could obviously hurt more, i think has more benefit-potential for the yankees in producing a veteran machine

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
wouldn't that money have been better spent on any combination of Lowe, Burnett

it's not out of the question that the yankees also aggressively pursue those two.

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
Also, this doesn't address their other need, namely a first baseman

swisher will most likely be their regular first baseman

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