Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
It's 80s Steinbrenner all over again!!!

i will accept this

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
So much for Cashman's plan to develop talent to keep the team competitive, like the Red Sox, Ray, Brewers, and other teams.

i will chuckle at this

 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
The funny thing? If they'd been willing to trade Melky last offseason, they'd have gotten Johan Santana.

the yankees offered melky as part of the santana trade, which is one of the reasons i disliked that deal. the yankees also offered phil hughes. and money. the twins were looking for an additional player to the mix, and discussions faltered when the two teams couldn't decide on who that'd be (i believe minnesota was looking for at least two other pitching prospects)

giant picture