Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy, 10/1/2008
 Originally Posted By: PJP

this is one youtube clip whomod and dems don't like.....it proves who is at fault for this mess.

Yes, it's not about the eeeeviilll Republicans preventing regulation, it's about the Democrats over-regulating, requiring millions of home mortgage and business loans to poor individuals who couldn't afford them, who inevitably defaulted on their financial obligations. In Democrats' costly attempt to use our financial system for social engineering.

And quite a few of the architects of this mess are prominent advisors to the Barack Obama campaign. One of whom was on the committee to select Obama's Vice President.

And incredibly, the Democrats blame their own mess on the Republicans who warned them not to do it.

And I agree, McCain should be pounding these facts to the public in stump speeches and campaign ads.


 Originally Posted By: Wonder Boy, yesterday

It scares me that the four men most responsible for the economic meltdown, are still making the economic decisions for this country.

Schumer, Dodd, Barney Frank, and Obama (Obama is the second largest recipient of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac campaign donations, second only to Christopher Dodd, and Dodd took 20 years to accumulate his cash pile from Fannie/Freddie, while Obama accumulated over $110,000 in barely 2 years. And Fannie Mae's CEO was on Obama's Vice Presidential vetting committee )

And despite their clear guilt, these four Dems are even more powerful than they were before the election.

Scary indeed.