I just read the story about Finlay here at RKMB, and here's my take:


Look what happened to Foreman, he became a champ again. Jordan: 3 more NBA titles after returning to the NBA. Here's hoping David E. Finlay, Jr. gets a chance to take on Cena/Orton/Taker/HHH/Edge/whoever and be the oldest WWE champion ever.

At 50 years old, and with 35 years in the ring, Finlay deserves to say 'I love to fight.'

In the WWE Universe, there's FINLAY and there's everybody else.
I bet Finlay could take on Obama 1-on-1 soon...

Hope Finlay can destroy someone on ECW, tonight on SciFi(nlay)!

More tough people like David Edward 'Fit' Finlays, and a whole lot less arseholes like Chaz Bono and David Letterman, please!