I would give a hundred buck to see a picture of Alan Moore's face when he sees this. has Nite Owl coffee for sale on their web site. The coffee retails for $19.85 plus S&H, and is limited to 10,000 cans. Click here to order the Nite Owl Coffee @

Can't get enough Watchmen? Director Zack Snyder tells MTV that a Directors Cut will be released to theaters in July with a length of 3 hrs. and 10 min. That will be followed by the "Crazy Ultimate Freaky Edition" DVD in the fall. Check out the link for all the details.

Geeks of Doom does a nice piece on the EW Guide To Watchmen special edition coming out Feb. 23. They have some quotes and pictures of the six different covers of the issue. Definitely worth checking out.

Wil Wheaton gives a little SPOILER free review of the Watchmen movie over at He talks about the fan's worries that this film could stink it up like Ang Lee's Hulk and some other bombs, but he gives the film good marks summing it up with,"I can't think of a better, more faithful, graphic novel adaptation, ever. Nothing else even comes close".

The Dork Report offers "10 Reasons The Watchmen Movie Will Suck". Amongst the reasons, miscasting, lack of Moore's blessing and changes from the source material. The author summarizes his feelings with, "So why am I so apprehensive about Watchmen in particular? Because it has been historically misunderstood and misinterpreted for 20 years and I see no sign that Snyder is seeing any deeper than its surface." The article does list some valid concerns but ultimately I think a comic book picture should be judged on it's own as a separate entity from the original medium. Check this article out, you'll be glad you did.