knew going in that there was no way snyder (or anyone else, to be fair) was going to be able to cram in all the details of the graphic novel into a three- hour movie.

but i found myself very annoyed at the way the movie had to "explain itself." rather than following an arc from beginning to end, and getting an emotional response when you reach its resolution, you got it all at once in a way that made you not care at all.

i felt that the characters were for the most part woefully underdeveloped, and said things that they never would've said in the book for the sake of advancing the story.

and by changing the ending, the entire story changed.

some parts of it looked great (the opening sequence in particular), but for the most part it felt to me like watchmen for dummies. maybe i'd have liked it more were i not so familiar with the book. there are large chunks where the movie goes with the book, but when they leave the book version, they really fucking leave the book version.

sorry if this post meanders or doesn't make sense to you. i'm actually pretty shocked at how depressed i've been since i got out of the movie yesterday afternoon.