Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
 Originally Posted By: Joe Mama
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
I have mixed feelings. I enjoyed the movie and would see it again. However, as mentioned above, I was afraid that, if it was a big hit, it would just inspire shitty sequels and reinforce WB's earlier thought that now every comic book movie had to be dark and gritty.

How do you pull off a sequel to Watchmen?

I don't think it would be that hard to do. It would be simple to carry on the next chapter in those people's lives. Alan Moore despite his wishing us to think otherwise isn't the be all end all of writers.

Theres obviously a lot of ways it could be done, and even enable them to bring back characters like Rorschach and Comedian.
With all the stuff Manhattan is capable of, and with Adrians DNA work, they could easily say that the Rorschach that was killed was some kind of clone, or that Manhattan teleported him away and replaced him with a cadaver that he exploded.

Comedian could also be explained in similar ways.

Lets face it, Highlander should never have had sequels, but that never stopped them.