Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh

The stories have been reported though WB

Yeah, as relatively minor stories, while the center-left press keeps trying to write front page stories about how Bush employees may have written memos that allowed waterboarding.

Most if not all the stories WB mention were all front page news on the papers and news sites I read so it doesn't appear minor to me.

Do you really beleive this, M E M ?

With Bush, and with McCain as well during the campaign, every slightest allegation got maximum coverage for at least a week.

Conversely, the same media gives only token mention of Obama's mistakes and hypocritical actions.
Covering it every night for a week when it's Bush, and giving it the briefest mention when it's Obama, is not anything resembling equal coverage.

 Originally Posted By: M E M
The stories have been reported though WB. The problems with his cabinet picks, lobbyists, tax evaders and all that. Granted stuff like the Homeland Security memo doesn't have the spin you think it should but it was reported as well as the negative reaction to it. I do agree with much you have to say about the press conference. He certainly hasn't raised the bar on taking questions. That might cost him if he keeps it up.

There's a huge difference, HUGE, between giving mention to these things, and giving Obama the same proportionate scrutiny as McCain.
And certainly, Obama's truly radical actions (and his still-uninvestigated past) warrant the scrutiny.