Originally Posted By: PCG342
 Originally Posted By: Juche
Well with weights you burn a lot of calories, and you grow muscles that require more calories. So unless you start eating a lot more than before, the calories you're obtaining should go to your muscles instead of becoming more fat.

Weights really don't burn THAT many calories. The bit about muscles altering your metabolism is true.

Rex, I know you don't exactly like listening to me, but I'll tell you... Take it from a dude that's dropped nearly half his body weight. Walking a lot makes a hell of a difference. Just put on some comfortable clothes, listen to some music, and it's a fucking breeze. And it only gets easier.

Don't get discouraged if you're genuinely trying to lose weight. And don't think "I'm not doing enough, I'm not trying hard enough."
You're trying. That alone is "enough." Just keep at it, man.
We may have had our disagreements in the past but I'll definitely support you on this one.

Committing fake internet suicide does not mean you lost half of your body weight.

November 6th, 2012: Americas new Independence Day.