(CNN) – Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's political action committee is confirming a flood of new donations that push her cash haul close to the million-dollar mark, as one of the nation's largest liberal PACs announced an ad targeting the former GOP vice presidential candidate.

Palin spokeswoman Meg Stapleton confirmed a report in the Anchorage Daily News that more than $200,000 had poured into SarahPAC since Palin's announcement a week and a half ago that she would be leaving office by the end of the month.

Those funds, along with $732,867 received through June 30 according to federal campaign finance filings, leave the governor just shy of a million dollars in donations to date since SarahPAC's January launch.

Stapleton told CNN that the PAC, which supports conservative candidates, had received contributions from more than 11,000 supporters, with the majority of the money coming from outside Alaska.

The news came as began e-mailing members Tuesday, asking them to fund a rapid response ad blasting Palin's new Washington Post op-ed that criticized President Obama's position on "cap and trade" legislation — a major part of the administration's effort to overhaul the nation's energy policy.