I saw it tonight. Very good.

I saw echoes of various other movies and TV shows in it. The lead actor was almost like Steve Carrell in "the Office" at the beginning of the film. The battle suit and the corporate intrigue reminded me of "Robocop." The interplay with Christopher and his prawn-ling had elements of "Enemy Mine." The mutation was, obviously, reminiscient of "the Fly."

This isn't to say that the film was a rip off or derivative. The cool thing about it was that it paid these little nods to previous work but synthesized it into an original whole.

I also appreciate that the film, despite the clear parallels to Apartheid, didn't fall into the easy trap of making all the humans blatantly evil and all the aliens saintly pacifists. The opening, with the aliens trying to assimilate, and failing, gave a sense of why humans would have been afraid of them (even if District 9 was a terrible overreaction to that fear). It was also a nice touch that the main exploiters of the Prawn were, along with the typical "Multinational Evil Corporation", Nigerian scam artists and gun runners.

Other than the low budget showing in a few spots I can't really find much of a flaw in the film. Highly recommended.