Focusing less on Green Lantern and more on Flash(Barry Allen) and Black Lantern Firesrorm,this issue seemed more filler than story progress.Not a bad read by any means,just....filler.Also showcasing Black Lantern Azrael(very cool) and at the end the appearance of Nekron and Coast City's dead rising.Ray Palmer pulls off a neat trick of transporting more than himself over the phone line to escape the Zombie Justice League and Damage facing off against his "father" Al Pratt the GA Atom(GA=Golden Age)with a not-so-good ending for Damage.This issue took a couple of rereads for it to sink in to my memory.The current issue of Green Lantern that came out this week as well and focused on Hal and Sinestro with some Red,Blue and Orange Lantern goodness as well....actually more story progression in GL than in Blackest Night.Pick both up and it's win-win. I give Blackest Night #4 7/10 and Gl 9/10.

It's a dog eat dog world & I'm wearing milkbone underwear.

I can get you a toe.

1,999,999+ points.

Damn you and your lemonade!!
