Originally Posted By: rex
 Originally Posted By: klinton

Would pedophilia actually hold up in a court of law though as a "sexual orientation"? I mean...that would imply that "rapist" is a sexual orientation. Or that "self castrating" is a sexual orientation.

I suppose a population that holds such skewed values as vast swaths of Americans might indeed take this one to task in court...but somehow, I don't see something so intrinsically immoral as raping a child as standing a chance of gaining protective legislation. Logic and general morality should dictate that the law would be redefined, should it ever be challenged (and I've no doubt it will be...opportunist filth, the lot of you).

Granted, it was lazy not to define it's exact terms of inclusion at it's onset...but your leap to declare the administration 'supporting' pedophilia is not only absurd, but just cheap and petty.

Fuck, it's shit like this that remind me why I stopped coming here. The tunnel vision idiocy in here is physically painful to see.

You yourself have called this law an attempt to create "thought crimes" so clearly you believe that it can be interpreted too broadly.