Here's the thing. If someone beats me to a pulp because of something I really believe in, I would not live in fear. Fear is something you give no one can put it in you. If you give someone fear that's your fault. If some punks walked up to me and threatened to beat me up because I was straight. I would tell them they better have packed a lunch because it's gunna be an all nighter. Not because I really think I could beat the punks, likely if I was out numbered I would be beaten sensless. But I wont live in fear, I wont allow it. I'm not a tough guy, but I can't be arsed to be scared of dying or being beaten. If some scrubs are gunna kill me or beat me, being scared isnt going to stop it.

I've been attacked for being in the wrong town, or dating the wrong girl before. I've taken my lumps and I've given them. I dated who I wanted and went where I wanted, fuck the bullies.

If gays want to stop this crap(I think it's bull to physically attack people because of differing views), you got to quit being victims man. Don't take the shit, and if you get it dont whine about it. I never cried about an ass whooping in my life deserved or not deserved.