I hate Donna. She's absolutely useless and her "comedy" doesn't really translate. I watch her and think that this must be just one of those cultural things but I don't find her funny at all.
And she's not pretty like Rose and Martha were (they were also better actors).

I like Simms as the Master. He's a great dark reflection on Tennant. The added canibalism and super powers worked well because they added desperation. Watching older episodes and newer ones I think the Master being so unhinged is because of the lack of Time Lords. In Trial of a Timelord they revealed that the Master made frequent trips into the Matrix, the repository of Time Lord knowledge. Since they're a telepathic race (sort of) he probably stabilized himself but with only the Doctor he's just too crazy and can't maintain because the one source of stability is the person he could never show weakness to.
It just plays well given their history over several regenerations.

I was reminded in this episode of how strong an actor Tenant is. He's possibly the best actor to play the role. As much as I love Tom Baker he was in a lot of ways just playing Tom Baker. And all of the other Doctors always seem to be playing themselves in some way or another. But Tenant has real range and I wonder how aweful the last year would've been if a weaker actor had had these shit RTD scripts.
And the scripts are shit. I'm reminded of George Lucas. With RTD years 1-3 were the original trilogy and ever since Voyage of the Damned were in the prequels. He's so full of his own "brilliance" now that there's little quality left. A real shame.

I'm intrigued by the Time Lords return. But I'm very skeptical of trusting this program until a new producer is in charge. i remember last year with the Next Doctor I thought they were telling the story of the Tenth Doctor's adventure ending in tragedy and a traumatic regeneration. I thought the "next Doctor" was from the future and had gone back to alter events. I had this moment where I saw the episode playing out with him saving the day and the Tenth Doctor and then fading as his own existence was undone. Instead we get bullshit that wastes an hour and a hot air balloon tardis. Unfortunately the story I came up with actually worked better for what they're doing now and trying to do with the Tenth getting too full of himself and his ability to alter time. I really hate when I have better ideas than a show I enjoy. It just means the proffessional writers are tapped and need to go.

And while I'm ranting, is anyone else pissed that the Time War rumors turned out to be false? Planet of the Dead and Waters of Mars were utter wastes and hardly "special." I was really excited when I heard the rumors about Paul McGann returning. That would've been special, that would've been worth waiting 8 months for.
Oh well. I rewatched Moffat's episodes earlier and am very excited for the new season.

Bow ties are coool.