Originally Posted By: ROY BATTY
It's great to have Doctor Who back!

It's great to have something to look forward to watching on the TV!

This series has got gradually better, although Smith and the girl have been great from day one!

If I had to draw comparrisons between Doctors, I would say Smith is closer to Eccleston, than he is to cuntface tennant.

God I fucking hated tennant as the Doctor.

Prommy said it to me best, Eccleston and Smith are the Doctor, cuntbrain is just some jobbing actor, trying to act(not a direct quote).

This man is correct on all points! Tennant played The Doctor, Eccleston was The Doctor. I think as time passed, Tennant's performance just became too "self-aware". You can chalk a lot of that up to RTD's lazy writing. And, no matter what he says, I don't believe RTD ever felt comfortable in publicly expressing love for Doctor Who. I think he left in a little "wink-wink, no I think this is all silly" in his scripts that just made it more and more obvious that he didn't take the show seriously. If this episode proves anything, it's that Moffat takes it seriously. It's real drama, real action, and real plot. A sense of serious storytelling with only the characters as "fantastical".

Also, just thinking about this new Doctor, I like how inaccessible he is. Tennant was so very domestic, thanks to Rose corrupting his ass. But, now he reminds me more of all Doctor's before Ten. He's not immediately forthcoming with intimacy.

"River, hug Amy."


"Because I'm busy..."

Which leads me to Pond, I don't feel as offended seeing her outsmart the Doctor or enemy, as I did when Rose would do the same thing.

That's because Amy isn't so damn smug about it, unlike Rose. Amy is way more "Ace", if you get the context of my meaning. She's there for the adventure, and is tough enough not to always need The Doctor...

"I don't need you to die for me, Doctor. I'm not that clingy." \:lol\: Awesome.

I fucking loved the latest episode! Exciting beginning with the River escape. Weeping Angels remind me of watching Who as a kid, very scary. Loved the 'Ring' scene. Best part for me, was the Angels killing the young soldier and talking to the Doctor through him - Creepy as hell and a superb bit of acting from Smith.

Agreed! That part chilled me, a bit. Damn good.