Tennant's first two years were great, it was only post-Martha when RTD was more interested in melodrama and Catherine Tate that his performance suffered. As Doctor mentioned Tom Baker, most of season 18 is pretty bad. But Tennant did some great episodes and shouldn't be blamed for production failings. Even in the worst episodes he showed up and put energy into the role because he genuinely cared.

Eccleston not being a Who fan isn't a problem for me so much as the lack of comittment he had to the show. The Doctor is an established role like Bond or Batman, you win the part and then stick with it. Eccleston is George Lazenby, he can't be called good or bad because he shot his wad in one series. You can't say how he would've done 2-3 years in.

Smith is doing a great job. There are certainly touches of past Doctors but he's clearly making his own unique mark.

Bow ties are coool.