See you still make no fucking sense.
You say I am the one on my period, yet you are the one all bent out of shape because I mocked your precious Who, as if I mocked your family.

The Tom Hanks analogy makes no fucking sense at all.
Of course you can like Tom Hanks and not like his movies. Tom Hanks could be the greatest actor in the world or the nicest guy, or more likely in your case, you love him, but if the writing and stories of the movies he is in are shit, why would you like them?

Simple fact is, the characterisations of Pond and Who have been great, as have the lines they deliver, but the stories have been weak and, for the most part, unoriginal.

Why would I continue watching something where in four or five episodes, I have yet to be engaged by the stories?

Unlike you, Ray, I grew up with The Doctor, I know what I enjoyed, and I know what I didnt. I watched the Doctors I liked, tried the new ones when they came up, and either continued to watch their runs, or turned them off until a new Doctor came along.

Why does a comic book series get cancelled after 6 issues or a tv show after one season? Are you saying that they should go on longer because nobody has given them a chance?

Fact is, when you said you didnt like one of the previous Doctors, Davidson I think it was, Pro asked you how you couldnt like him.
To which I pointed out you didnt have to defend yourself, yet you seem to think that if I say I dont like something, then I must be on my period.

I make a statement, which wasnt even angry, and you start doing a rex and saying I am on my period, when quite frankly you are the one pissing and moaning like a little girl, stamping your feet telling me that I am not entitled to voice a simple opinion on something I had high hopes for, and have ended up feeling let down by.

Feel free to continue being a retarded Snarf, it suits you.