Originally Posted By: Prometheus

I am going to be frank. The low budget effects kind of mar the experience for me in the classic eps (only for the colored episodes. Black and white makes the low budget effects much more forgivable. Kind of like how exaggerated/unrealistic art styles compensate for the uncanny valley)

Did you see "TimeCrash" with Tennant and Davison together? As for the Classic episodes, which ones have you seen? Which Doctors have you been exposed to? What's your take on the older guys? Just curious for a new fan perspective. I expected as much with the lack of budget, of course. I think if you weren't exposed to it at an early age, or lived through it, the only thing it would have going for it (for modern fans) would either be the plots or the Doctor, himself...

I haven't seen Time Crash yet, I wouldn't even know it exists if I hadn't seen the episode listings while I was tracking down the specials. I just saw the titanic crash into the tardis at the end of last of the timelords and assumed there was nothing in between that and voyage of the damned.

and as for the classic eps, you know which ones I have already seen. I got the links from you \:lol\:

I'm mostly going by episode summaries right now to get the whole story, since I don't have the time to watch all of the classic eps (if I can find them.) But yeah, the appeal mostly lies in the plot, and the doctor himself. I treat the Doctor Who franchise as one big story that has good and cheesy parts, but they all add up to an excellent story. I mean, the new seasons would probably suck if they didn't have all of the classic eps to give it added depth and history.

Part of the doctor's charm as per his multiple incarnations is because you can compare them with each other. There's bits and pieces that convince you that yes, they are the same person, yet they are so different from each other. I would probably find Hartnell creepy, but knowing that he's going to become Smith someday makes it all kinds of awesome.

Also, I love to wank off to Sarah Jane Smith (when she appeared in the new season).