Originally Posted By: Rob Kamphausen

the batman suit after knightsend lasted a single arc, and not even all four issues in that arc. it was a cool suit though: no undies, gloves and boots the same color as the suit itself, darker tone. at the end of that story line ("troika"...?) he returned to the traditional suit he's worn most of the past 35 years: blue/gray/yellow/testtubes. perhaps it was a bit darker, but that seemed dependent upon the art team.

It was Troika. The 4-part story arc with the russian villains and the fancy covers and the unheard of price of like $2.
You're right about the outfit? I looked it up and after Troika it did shift back towards the older outfit depending on the coloring, though it was always a darker gray and blue than before. Sort of a marriage of the two outfits. But the covers I'm looking at don't seem to feature the "underwear." The blue tints are on the cape and gloves.

the pouch belt and sans-yellow logo (bookending "no man's land") were the only other variants, as well as the return to fresh undies.

ease up. his mom died before she could teach him that he should always wear clean underwear. That is the real tragedy of Bruce Wayne.
I did like the pouch look for No Man's Land because it fit the need of the storyline. In regular comics I prefer the sleek compartment look of the belt.


aye. it'd be good timing, and it's well designed: perfect utilitarian look. even the "arkham asylum" video game suit took many nods from the theatrical rendering.

I'm really surprised they aren't milking the Nolan films for all their worth. They milked the hell out of the 90's films and they weren't respected like Nolan's films are.

Bow ties are coool.