Finally able to download a copy of the Doctor Who adventure games. Demonoid has one that works on non UK peeps. I finished the first episode (City of The Daleks). It was a very short game, and it only took me an hour or so to play from start to finish (that's including the time it took me to retry everytime I died). If it was a tv episode, it would probably last only 30 mins.

The graphics were good enough. You'll recognize Matt Smith as Matt Smith and Amy is amy. But that's as far as it goes, recognizable. The animation was still subpar (think: cutscenes from the Sims 2). Add the fact that Matt Smith's mannerisms are very hard to capture thru prerendered CGI, much less thru in-game cutscenes using the game engine (which is what the game uses).

Audio is probably the best part of the game. Primarily because the game uses the actors' voices.

The gameplay is not so good. It's playable. But there's very little amount of playing to do as the game is basically just an interactive episode, where you have to perform stealth games and simple minigames to advance the story. Nothing wrong with it. It's good enough to pass the time, you won't be bored because it's so short. And it's a free game.