I've been watching random episodes Torchwood's season 1 and 2 recently, and it's growing more on me. I'm a bit surprised that the gay/relationship shit is auxiliary to the point that you can ignore them and still enjoy the stories. The second episode with the sex alien was too unecessarily sexualized for my tastes, and the one with the ghost machine had uneven pacing that it got boring. But the Cyberwoman episode was engaging from start to finish. I loved the part when the black cyberwoman was eaten by a dinosaur (cuz she's black!).

"End of days" was so-so, the monster looked goofy and not as badass as the one on Satan's Pit. Jack's death scene was very gay.

"Fragments" was enjoyable, not for the main story but for the flashbacks on how the torchwood members were recruited. James Marsters looked hella old compared to his Buffy days. Exit wounds was okay-ish. I don't get why people were complaining about the actor who played Gray. His acting was totally wooden, but it still works since Gray is mentally damaged, the emotionless look kinda works.

I've also been browsing news sites for info on the upcoming 4th season and man, I get the impression that Torchwood tends to have a lot more immature fans than Doctor Who. The outrage over Ianto's death is ridiculous. The comments of people who want Ianto back look like youtube flamewars.

I'm interested in what the fourth season will be like, with Jack out of the picture and the goofy-toothed chick pregnant. It could work if they bring in another former companion to restart Torchwood 3.