All caught up now and I have no idea what is going on. I like that we have "The Silence" finally showing up. I'm interested in seeing where they go with this and if it was just mentions in series 5 or if, maybe, they were behind the events of series 5 and needed the big bang 2 as part of their nefarious plot. Right now, I'm assuming that the astronaut that killed the Doctor was River. The evidence all points that way, but it could be something to throw us off the trail of who actually did it.

The little girl Time Lord? WTF? I have no idea where that is going.

Lastly, since series 5 seems to play so much into this season, I'm really wondering if The Moff is going to undo the RTD era and, possibly, take the Doctor a few regenerations back. Aside from the return of actual Daleks, I think there is something to the fact that we've been shown the various incarnations of the Doctor a few times (the print outs from the recognition machine and the telepathic headbutt) throughout series 5. Personally, while I would hate to just completely sweep the Eccelston and Tennant years under the rug, I would like to see the Last Great Time War and the time lock be undone so we could have all of those wonderful planets, stories, and such that Davies seemingly wanted nothing to do with.

Pirates this week? Eh. Karen Gillan possible looking like the hottest pirate ever? Yeah.