Originally Posted By: the G-man
Weiner admits he sent lewd Twitter picture, refuses to resign:
  • A "deeply ashamed" Weiner openly wept during a news conference this afternoon in Manhattan -- admitting that he made "terrible mistakes" in sending lewd pictures of himself to women he met on Facebook and Twitter over the past few years.

    Weiner, who choked back tears several times, also said he was "not resigning" -- but took "full responsibility for my actions" over the last few years.

When the obvious becomes obvious, confess and admit it before Breitbart and others release a treasure-trove of compromising photos.

I love how he slandered Breitbart, and then a few days later Weiner was forced to admit that every last word that Breitbart said is true. Breitbart demanded an apology, and Weiner --when bludgeoned with the facts-- finally made a full apology.

i.e., "I'm sorry I got caught, and can no longer hide my bad judgement by blaming others, so okay, now that I slandered everyone reporting it, I'll admit to what really happened before you release your vast reserve of compromising photos of me. So yeah, I'm sorry, but not really, I'm just saying whatever might give me the slightest chance of keeping my political office."