Originally Posted By: allan1
Gotta say,as much as I like Nintendo,this doesn't excite me at all.The standard controller seems like a step-back for Nintendo after so much went into marketing the Wii-motes and it's success and the Wii-pad looks bulky as hell and not something I want to hold for too long to play a game.I'm guessing that the current Wii will still have games made for it for the family-friendly console it turned into while the Wii U will market to try and bring back the gamers Nintendo lost to the 360 and PS3.

oddly, it seems like the wiiu is just the wii on steroids. the bulk of the games / demos shown all use the original wii-remote. this newer controller appears to only get partial use -- as if the new controller is for the "traditional hardcore gamer," and the "new / casual / family gamers" can continue using the wii-remotes for new games, and all the backward compatible ones.

giant picture