Yeah, the Supes armor is a little silly. But, there might be story reason. Either way, take a look at everything everyone is wearing and it screams "Jim Lee". The moment he leaves the book, let's see how long the next artist keeps up the "line work". Kind of how every writer after Morrison goes and simply goes back to status quo (see: X-Men).

Wonder Woman has the best costume. I wish Lee was doing her book, instead. Batman and Superman's outfits look too similar to each other to work. Compared to Rags Superman, this one suffers greatly.

Flash doesn't look like anything updated except the gauntlet-boots. Meh. Lantern looks the same. Meh. Aquaman looks exactly the same. Meh.

And they all look "Ten Years Ago"-21 years old.

Cyborg is the new Martian Manhunter. Thanks DC Universe Online marketing tie-in!