long ago, as the hero of time, i sought after ideas to legitimize the rkmbs. not simply by marrying the bitch after i knocked her up, but moreso in the realm of converting the landscape into an ezine; a collection of things for other intraweb folks to read.

for many, many reasons, this was a horrific disaster. none of those reasons involved the content, or the providers of said content - it's simply a culture mix. y'can't force these boards to be anything they're not: a brooding and corrupt haven of malcontent. that's why we all came here, and that's why we all come back.

but still, i long (long!) for the concept of this legitimate front. and that, in an "alfred-talking-to-batman-and-casually-uttering-a-key-word-that-solves-the-problem" type way, is the key: a front. i'm going to give this whole shebang a whirl again, but not trying to mess around with the heinous perfection that these forums are. these boards will stay as is; nothing will change. rather, i've built a front; a new portal, with glistening sheen and a sparkle of happiness and cleanliness. in other words: an actual website-looking website. the goal is to become a IGN / UGO / MANIA / SOMEOTHERSITE type of site, which these boards essentially are, except for all the proverbial doing of one anothers moms.

minus that taint, the new site's content will be the same thing we love here: comics, tv, video games, movies, boobies, and other such things that all fellow geeks love mightily. quite aptly, i've named it thusly: mightygeek.com.

i've spent the past few months nerdily learning new technologies in my thousands of never-ending side projects, and have pieced things together on an alpha build. my hope is to have it polished off to a working-beta within another few weeks. after that? the quest is off and running, with a triforce at stake.

why post this here? especially with the golf and pariahbots waiting with their pre-programmed responses? i post this as an invitation to join. there's no pressure, no need, and nothing required. i don't get a million dollars, or even a single dollar, if you'd like to be a part. i've just always enjoyed the idea of putting something together like this, and i quite honestly find a limitless amount of inspiration from folks upon these forums who share my similar geeky interests.

why would you give a(n additional) fuck? sometimes, i know, each of you has a neato idea or a story to tell or a claim to make or a topic to create that, for reasons learned, you decide to either half-ass post, or worse, not post at all. the advantage of mightygeek.com is that you'll get your soap box. you'll get the opportunity to explain why doctor who is the greatest tv show ever. or the gayest. why the NBA will never have a 2012 season. why the DC reboot is the worst thing to happen to comics. why cena should turn heel. any of those topics that you truly want to tell, you'll now be able to. on a site that looks professional, is professional, has a legit following, and, most importantly, does what any good website should do: makes your opinion (look) more valid than everyone else's. now you're the jackass at a site who ranked "halloween" over "friday the 13th" in the all-time horror movie top 10 list.

oh, well, there's also the perks of lots of free swag from studios (video games, blu-rays, comics, posters, etc.) a revenue-sharing pay-per-post type scenario, and other niceities. that's all down the line, but a short line all lined up and inline. line.

so, yeah, like i said, feel no pressure to do anything. the sites not nearly ready yet, anyway. i honestly just wanted to put it out there, share, and purchase cheap golf clubs. if its of interest, awesome. if not, then i fucked your mom. and she was awful.

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