Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Wouldn't it just fuck everyone's mind if Smith & Co. lied about his contract to the press, and he suddenly regenerates next week? I don't think my brain could handle that. So, I hope I'm wrong.

Don't even joke about it. Seriously.

Honestly, I pretty much have called the River stuff all the way through (except for the "Mels" double-bluff in LET'S KILL HITLER). So, it wasn't a surprise she's in the astronaut suit. I think that was the "hint" from the very beginning of the season (i.e. her younger self in the astronaut suit). But, where they're going with it? No idea. I can't get a read on Moff's intentions. Unless, they're so predictable as to not give off any hints of a direction. I mean, it was pretty plain and simple that River was Amy and Rory's daughter from the get-go. So, if he remains that predictable, then it's simply going to be River kills The Doctor, and then he comes back. No more, no less. But, knowing Moff, he's got some swerve in there we can't see yet.

Yeah, that is what is driving me crazy. It has been quite predictable and yet totally mindfucking at the same time trying to figure out the reason for it all. Since it seems the Christmas special is a standalone, I can't help but wonder what the big bomb teaser for series seven will be either.

Also, I imagine after River kills The Doctor, she goes back to the 51st century and turns herself in to Stormgate Prison. That way, not only to punish herself, but I would imagine to also keep The Tesselecta Justice crew coming for her again. But, who knows...

Which also points to the fact that River must be drugged out of her mind right in the lake since older River seemed to have no idea that it was that moment despite being in jail for killing him. I don't know. Like I said, Moffat has made some of this so simple and yet a lot of it makes you want to

Last edited by iggy; 2011-09-27 5:08 AM. Reason: quote fix