Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Political correctness? I agree in that I find it distasteful the Muslim Religion doesn't loudly, and widely rebuke their extremist element.

It never will, because the concept of individual rights and freedom are a rarity in the muslim world. Submission to Allah and Sharia law is the priority, not freedom. Our concept of freedom and human rights is decadence to them.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Of course, the Christians are guilty of the same -type of looking the other way to their abortion bombers.

Abortion bombings are so rare, and so widely condemned by Christians worldwide that it renders that point ridiculous. It is clearly not a Christian tenet. As opposed to Muslim violence, that is cheered in the streets.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
At the same time, I concede that Christianity isn't widely expressed in a violent manner. Not as much as Muslims are.

Thank you for that much.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
And Christianity, while presenting a hardline view of stoning people in the Old Testament, the New Testament (which practically reduces the Old to a history text), makes amends by Jesus' preachings of peace and forgiveness.

Yes. What you describe in the Old Testament, and in the New Testament while Jesus was alive, was Judaism. A different standard of forgiveness held after Jesus' death and the spread of his ideas, which became Christianity after His death.
Jesus was the guy who stopped the stoning of a prostitute, and said "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone".

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Yes, Muslim Extremists are very violent, and the Sharia Law is inherently violent or oppressive to others that don't share their beliefs. Moreso than Christians seem to have proven in at least the last century.

I can go along with that. Christianity has changed, and evolved, particularly after mass printing of Bibles began 500 years ago. At which point scripture could be read by many, and the distortion of Christianity became more difficult.
I don't think the British and the French can be blamed for the atrocities inflicted by Spain and Portugal, though. Their treatment of Native Americans was vastly different.
Brazil under Portugal, for example, accounted for 40% of all slavery in the Americas. Spain worked their natives to death, which required the importing of black slaves to replace the exterminated natives.

And in full disclosure, europeans never ventured into Africa beyond the coast. It was blacks who enslaved other blacks, and enriched themselves by selling them to the Europeans. It was blacks who created slavery, not europeans, not Christians. And the inherent contradiction to Christian principles made europeans the first to free their slaves without being conquered by someone else.
Slavery in Africa existed for hundreds of years before Europeans were involved, and went on hundreds of years after, and still exists today in Sudan and elsewhere in the black/muslim worlds.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Going backwards in history, though, you find more and more atrocities at least linked to the Christian Religion/Roman Catholic Church. But, just due to the very fact the Western culture seemed to jump a couple stages ahead of Third World countries in the 19th/20th centuries, would suggest that it might be possible for Muslims, and Sharia Law, to find some moderation in the decades to come.

Certainly, if nothing else, the violent expression of their culture and religion will eventually erode any and all Political Correctness barriers, leading to a consensual rebuke by free societies.

Christian teachings have these inherent principles of the sanctity of life and human rights. As I've said often, the contract between God and Man in the Old and New Testaments were the inspiration for our Declaration and Constitution, a contract government with guaranteed right.
In Islam, God is unknowable. The very idea that God would talk to man, or that God would have a son in human form (Jesus) is hated blasphemy in the muslim world.

As for an evolving freedom in the muslim world, that is well-wishing fantasy. The model to look at in the muslim world is the one demonstrated in China. Superior technology in a culture that does not value human rights , simply translates to a more effective and consolidated police state.
Where it is far easier to track and round up dissenters.

Bible prophecy says that in the end times a false religion will take hold worldwide, everyone (believer or not) will be forced to wear the Mark of the Beast, and anyone who doesn't accept this will be beheaded. I've thought for several years that beheading is a uniquely muslim practice, at least in this age. And that combined with even the Pope acknowledging that Islam has surpassed Christianity as the wold's largest religion, with rising isslamic tides in Europe, North America, Australia, Africa and even China, islamic dominion is a real possibility, and seems to me a possible contender the rise of the AntiChrist, and the conditions of the Tribulation.
We already have a world on the verge of global economic collapse, a situation just 5 years ago I would have thought inconceivable in my lifetime. I'm not saying this is absolutely the way it goes down, but it certainly seems to follow the prophetic model.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Also, I have no idea why we'll bomb Libya and not go in to assist the Egyptian Revolution. I guess it's kind of why the US intervened in Libya, "supported" freedom revolts in other countries, but seems to be turning a deaf ear to the American Revolt against Big Business. It's all about who has the money, and who's paying...

Because Libya has virtually no army, and the land is indefensible against any real military.

Egypt has an army. Syria has an army.

And given the pathetic display by the U.S. and Europe in their plodding ineffective ability to even defeat Gadhaffi, for months now, this appears to be the last gasp of European power. We (U.S. and Europe) have no money, are both deep in debt, and would have already collapsed by now without the printing of fiat currency. Printing of dollars is the last bubble in our economy. When the dollar ceases to be the global currency, our ability to stay afloat by printing dollars is gone.

Our ability to prevent wars and prevent their spread over larger reagions will also be gone.

 Originally Posted By: Fareed Zakaria, NEWSWEEK, 2007
For the first time i can remember, America is somewhat peripheral... in this small but significant global cocoon, people seemed to be moving beyond America.

We might also be getting a glimpse of what a world without America would look like. It would be a world free of American domination but perhaps also free of American leadership --a world in which problems fester and the buck is passed endlessly until situations explode."