Originally Posted By: Pariah

Uh, okay. Not sure what brought that on. I didn't even mention--



If you can't address points without going CAPSLOCKED crazy, don't expect a polite reply to your attempts at starting trolling points. You brought up the subject of Islam and Sharia Law. A comparison between western religion and theirs is needed in a discussion that wishes to explore the true, nonobjective sentiment of your points. That is, if you were actually trying to start a rational thread, and not just a Pariah-Rants thing.

....Uh...Okay. Abortion clinics:

I acknowledge your concession that Christianity doesn't generally manifest itself in a violent manner. However, it's simplistic to compare them to Muslims by claiming that they shrug off instances of abortion bombings. I've never heard any major Christian religious leader say anything to that effect.

And I've never heard any major Muslim leader support terrorist bombings. Not saying they haven't, just like I'm not saying the Christians support their own Extremists. There are Muslim Terrorists, and there are Christian Fanatics. There are outspoken anti-Christian zealots (some of them not American atheist reactionaries) and there are the Westboro Baptist Church nutbags. There are those in the Muslim community who cheer bombings, and there are those who condemn them. Depends on whether you only listen to one side of the debate. Comparing and contrasting the two is a functional tool in trying to suss out and narrow down the elements that may or may not personify Muslim Extremists as inherently worse than any other Extremist group.

I'm sure people love to speculate on peoples' feelings when they hear that an abortion clinic has been blown up, but that doesn't really quantify anyone's opinion.

As yours don't quantify the spectrum of the Muslim community.

I'd go so far as to say that there's very little precedent for mentioning these instances of violence in the context of this issue since Muslim demographics, in every country where the Islamic religion has taken root, do more than shrug off Muslim on [insert religion here] violence. They applaud it.

Who "applauds it"? The Extremist leaders of their factions? Certainly not leaders in the Western Culture. I've never heard anyone "applaud" Muslim violence except for the violent Muslims. Everyone else has condemned violence.

I mean, we're not seeing consistent clinic-bombings or widespread support of such. We're not seeing Christian gangs formed for the purpose of setting fires to schools, hospitals, or opposing places of worship. We're not seeing groups of Christians loitering in the street looking for non-Christian women to rape or just looking to rough up or kill non-believers in general.

What country are you talking about? I assume you mean in the Middle East and Third World countries? Because none of that is happening in America. And I haven't heard about any roaming rape-gangs in England or such.

Tell you what, take any of those countries, magically advance them up to our cultural, economic, and technological level. I guarantee you would see the same Capitalistic overtones take hold as they have in the Western world. Once money gets involved, anyone's religion is suppressed (i.e. Christianity in this country). And they would evolve into us. Because that's all it is. Lack of education. Lack of social evolution. Poverty. Oppression. How could a world like that not begat violence? To judge them is to judge our own history.

Christians have never done anything like this. There is no historical precedent for such a claim. Muslims on the other hand, have done these kinds of things for well over a dozen centuries at least. Their traditions have demanded it.

You have obviously been studying revisionist Christian propaganda. Christian history is one of the bloodiest in any culture's history. The Crusades and the Massachusetts "witch hunts" alone would certainly disagree with your claims.

So please dispense with the 'your extremists v. their extremists.' As far as "Christian extremism" is concerned, you need look no further than Mother Theresa or the Pope for typical examples of "extremism" on the part of Christians. You can't even pin violence on Falwell or Robertson.

It's not about "pinning" anything. It's about the facts of life and history. I'm sure your strict-religious doctrine demands you believe in the perfection of man's expression of Christianity (otherwise you think you'll "burn in hell"). But, the truth is, Christianity at one point was the world's "Muslim Extremism". No amount of denial on your part changes the facts. History is written by the victors, and the Christians did a lot of Crusading and conquering. Were all Christians extremists? Absolutely not. Just like the Muslims now.

Inversely, practicing Shariah law is extreme Muslim behavior because it is the religion. And what's more, the religion is the culture. So there really is no point in distinguishing "extreme" Muslims from the general Muslim belief system.

If that were actually true, we would be fighting Muslim armies in the streets right now. Hyperbole does not serve your argument. \:lol\:

In which case, "moderation" as you conceive it is impossible; the day Shariah law is abolished is the day the entire religion is done away with.

Kind of like how people felt when they tossed the Old Testament for the New Testament as the Christian focal point? ;\)

One of the most disgusting things I've actually witnessed for myself is male Muslims targeting Christian/Hindu/Sikh/Jewish women for the sake of forcibly recruiting them into Islam--and this was ordered of them by their religious leaders no less.

Did you contact your Columbian Drug Lords to help her? Or did you and SEAL Team 6 go in and save her?

The end result of what you're suggesting is that, essentially, all cultures are equal because they can all coexist under the caveat of amputating certain parts of their doctrine. But if you're deforming them for the purpose of uniforming their approach to society, then they all become apart of the same culture in the first place, effectively assimilating. And, I'll once again point out, the most prevalent example of civilized cultural coexistence is founded on Christian principles; assimilating religions will end up making Christian concessions. So in reality, there is no equality to behold; some cultures are in fact inferior to others.

Your arrogant racism is noted and proven. I'm not sure there's any point in continuing to attempt a dialogue with you. You have already made up the fantasy-enemy in your mind.

Here's the only quote that even remotely addressed the issue:

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Also, I have no idea why we'll bomb Libya and not go in to assist the Egyptian Revolution. I guess it's kind of why the US intervened in Libya, "supported" freedom revolts in other countries, but seems to be turning a deaf ear to the American Revolt against Big Business. It's all about who has the money, and who's paying...

This sounds more like, "I don't know. I don't care. Let's talk about Occupy Wallstreet! Why aren't you paying attention to Occupy Wallstreet!!?"

\:lol\: If you can't actually address the issue, why are you bothering trying to discuss this? Or is it because I gave you a rational, logical, polite answer, and you can't handle it? Either way, makes you look childish. No change there. \:lol\:

Regardless, Obama and Biden offered up commentary and support of Egyptian protesters prior to Mubarak stepping down, but no money was involved then. What does that tell you?

That they are Corporate shills following the will of whatever money tells them to do. Same as any and every politician the world over. Partisan lines keeps you distracted, confused, and angry. Let go of "Us vs Them" and try to find unity where it exists.