Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Political correctness? I agree in that I find it distasteful the Muslim Religion doesn't loudly, and widely rebuke their extremist element. Of course, the Christians are guilty of the same -type of looking the other way to their abortion bombers. At the same time, I concede that Christianity isn't widely expressed in a violent manner. Not as much as Muslims are.

 Originally Posted By: Pro
Yes, Muslim Extremists are very violent, and the Sharia Law is inherently violent or oppressive to others that don't share their beliefs.

Yeah, it's pretty clearly just a few extremists.
Definitely not, y'know, everyone in the West bank and Gaza.

I'll say it again: I used to be more sympathetic to the Palestinians than the Israelis. This display on 9-11 enraged me. After all the billions in aid we have given them, after all the negotiations on their behalf, after the grief we all felt on 9-11, this was deeply painful to watch.

After this display --cheering thousands of Palestinians in the streets, jubilant at news of 3000 deaths in the U.S on 9-11-- Israel could reduce these two territories to twin smoking nuclear craters, and I would not object in the slightest.

This is how the "few extremists" celebrate the terrorism death of any Israeli, American, or any other "infidels" who don't share their particular islamofascist beliefs. And not just Palestinians. Saudi Arabia has Jerry-Lewis-like telethons to raise money for suicide bombers. The newly-liberated Egyptians burning churches, gang-raping CNN reporter Lara Logan as a hated "Jew" (despite her Christianity, which makes clear their threat to any westerner, not just Jews), the genocide of Christians throughout the muslim world, the regularly shouting crowds of Pakistanis, the Chechens, Mindanao in the Phillipines, East Timor...
As I pointed out in a previous topic, between 30 and 50% of the population of most muslim countries (according to an article I posted from the Washington Post) boycott U.S. products and businesses since 9-11, in solidarity with the Al Qaida terrorists. And this, despite their own governments discouraging the boycotts.

And as an article I posted from the anti-defamation League also makes clear, violence toward Jews, gang-raping of women, even desecration of Jewish graves, follows muslim immigration to every nation in the world.

The endorsement of violence throughout the muslim world is overwhelmingly the rule, not the exception.
And can only be compared to Christianity through the most distorted of arguments. There is not cheering in the streets when an abortion clinic is bombed, it is very difficult to find any Christian who does not react with sadness and embarassment at news of such a bombing. Even anti-abortion activists will say this is not the way to advance their cause.
Likewise, regarding the Westboro Baptists (a "church" with about 5 members, that any other Christian scorns as both hateful and ridiculous) comparing them to other Christians is about as fair as saying the Weather Underground is representative of most U.S. liberal Democrats. And given liberals' endorsement of proletariat revolution (in contrast to the revulsion most Christians feel for the Westboro Baptists) claiming ideological unity between liberals and the Weather Underground would by far be the more fair comparison.