Originally Posted By: Prometheus
 Originally Posted By: iggy
So, I was talking to the wife and came up with the idea that, perhaps, the Silence--though creepy as hell--aren't evil. Are they enemies now? Most definitely. But, all we really know is that they want the Doctor dead because of something in his future. My guess is that they may come from a timeline where the Valeyard is actualized. The question is then whether, foiled plan to kill the Doctor or not, they were able to significantly alter things to where the Doctor doesn't become The Valeyard (which, I think, Timelord Victorious was hurtling toward) or simply delay the inevitability of fate as it were?

Good theory!! I hadn't really thought of it that way. But, be sure to take into account The Silence have been on Earth "since the wheel and the fire". So, if they're something of a benevolent force, it remains to be seen as an example.

Agreed. Still having a hard time rectifying The Silence as quasi-benevolent force with "You should kill us all on sight."

Still, Dream Lord has had me thinking of that darker aspect of the Doctor (parasite or not) since last season.

Moffat has done a great job of rehabilitating classic enemies (no more hybrid Daleks, Cybermen that may or not be of Cybus background) while creating new enemies (Weeping Angels...I repeat, Weeping fucking Angels). Perhaps, he is laying the groundwork for a return of another classic villain.

As a continuation while also a diversion, I think it is clear that Moffat isn't going to be the one to bring back the Master or Davros. Davies completely fucked those guys, IMO. Maybe, one or both of them will come back during a future incarnation but, my money is on Moffat not even trying to clear up all of that stupid.