Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I can honestly say I only "hate" two human beings: Karl Rove (traitorous scum) & Mann Coulter (soul-less promoter of Extremist Right hate-speech).

Brian the Pussy is only that. A pussy. I laugh at pussies. I pity them. I don't hate them. That would entail further emotional investment.

No, I like debating with Wondy, G, and The Rest. It's the only reason I still show up here. After all the interviews, Survivors, and RKMBs Crisis threads I've made over the past decade, the only thing that still provides entertainment is being able to hassle the normal crowd.

I can't really imagine people hating each other here. We may all disagree and fight and piss all over each other. But, it's The RKMBs. I cannot remember a time when it wasn't like this.

Without the conflict, this place would be the fucking ghost town it had become right before my 2011 Troll Era began.

You're welcome. \:lol\: