Originally Posted By: Prometheus
If I am identified as a "problem" to overcome to find enjoyment in posting, then the only logical and reasonable thing would be for me to voluntarily stop posting here. That way, everyone wins. So, I don't see how that would be considered "cowardly", no more than Nowhereman's disappearance is concluded as such.

this isn't nordic society. nowhereman left because he wanted to. he'll return when he wants to. its all personal choice. if its yours, so be it. if not, be it so. there's honestly nothing deeper to look into.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I am having fun.

i know you like saying "pussies" but... you're honestly enjoying yourself with laughyfaces, dots, and quotes? more than, say, conversations? if so, have on! i think its silly and the opposite of conversing, so i don't partake. but i also don't dictate content, it's all up to you. i just tell you how to do it better.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
{list of people}

to quote chris rock "there were six of them!"

the quote may or may not be accurate, and entirely depends on you understanding the specific routine, which makes it a very poor reference. but the intention is to point out, though even sparse, you named a dozen or so people that you know stop by on occasion.

my question posed: if they're already occasionally visiting, wouldn't logic dictate they'd possibly join in a thread they found appealing? and wouldn't the odds decrease if every topic was dots versus face?

again, i'm not dictating content. if you're enjoying, keep on. just like, years ago when this very stuff annoyed you, i said the same thing. and i will, years from now, when pcg's bro's son's bros come here. just pointing out the backbone elements of what a community is. you want good topics, be a part of creating them. if you can live without them, that's fine too.

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
The only point to post here is to have fun. And if it ain't fun, then I don't intend to do it...

motto ish! attaboy.

giant picture