Originally Posted By: Doc.Mid-Nite
Hmmm... Bane's always come off as a one note villain in the comics. Has Nolan talked about Bane and how he plans to tackle the character in this movie?

Bane's only been a one note villain when creators have written him that way. Chuck Dixon actually based the character on Doc Savage and intended for him to be (as mentioned prior) a physical and mental equal to the Bat (with Venom being his ace in the hole). Dixon, and a few other creators (Gail Simone on Secret Six most recently) have actually put thought and craft into the character and made him interesting. But many others fail to do so (including Bruce Timm and co. on TAS) and leave him as just the one note villain too many see him as. A character is only going to be as good as what the creators invest in him.

even crap Liefeld creations have become interesting characters under other creators, Cable, Deadpool, and Supreme are all proof of this.