and Waid's attempt at re-casting Barry Allen as Hawkman to be a foil to GA (not Golden Age in this case! see what I did there. . .) is completely off base. Barry Allen was always a laid back type persona who did not engage in the petty bickering on the JLA satellite. you'd expect an uber nerd like Waid to know that.

maybe he intended it as GA (see above) even being able to get under Barry's skin, but if I'm remembering right (and it has been a while since I read this, worth another go round. . .) the story itself completely failed in that regard.

hey kids! comics!

forum probs: post-2005 game levels of all present. example: G-Man's AIDS day thread. everyone here already knows what they'll get when they click on the thread. Team America's AIDS song youtube video. yes, it's a funny video, but the posting of it in this example is boring. predictable. post-2005. stale. not to single Gordo out, as that's just one example of the oh so many that litter these boards in the early 21st century.

cue more petty bickering, etc. . .