Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul took a bit of a swipe at Donald Trump Sunday, saying he didn't quite understand the reality star's power status in the 2012 election.

"I don't understand the marching to his office. I didn't know he had the ability to lay on hands and anoint people," said Paul on CNN's "State of the Union."

The row between the two began when Paul announced he'd be boycotting the Dec. 27 GOP presidential debate because Trump was chosen to moderate it.

"To be sure, Mr. Trump's participation will contribute to an unwanted circus-like atmosphere," Paul's campaign chairman said in a statement. He added the selection of Trump as moderator was "beneath the office of the Presidency" and also "wildly inappropriate" considering Trump was a former candidate in the presidential primary race.

Trump fired back: "Few people take Ron Paul seriously and many of his views and presentation make him a clown-like candidate."

Nevertheless, Paul's position in the race seems to be on the rise. A Des Moines Register poll found Paul pulling ahead of Mitt Romney in Iowa, securing the second place spot behind Newt Gingrich. Matt Dowd, former campaign strategist for President George W. Bush, recently said he would not be at all surprised if Paul wins the Iowa caucuses.

Paul speculated Sunday on why Trump doesn't like him. "He probably doesn't like my position on the federal reserve ... It may be, deep down, philosophic. And of course his position on China was quite different. So I think it’s philosophic and probably his personality that doesn’t like to be challenged."

Last week, Trump took a shot at President Barack Obama, tweeting that "in order to get elected, Barack Obama will start a war with Iran."

At least, the grown-ups in the GOP (Paul and Huntsman) see this for the joke it is.