"Don't fire till you see the whites of their eyes."
This quotation is usually attributed to Andrew Jackson at the Battle of New Orleans.
In fact, it originates with Colonel William Prescott commander of George Washington's Continental Army, at the Battle of Bunker Hill. The full quotation is, "Don't fire till you see the whites of their eyes. Then, fire low!"
Source: George Washington's War by Robert Leckie

"Houston, we have a problem"
This phrase, supposedly uttered by Apollo 13 commander, Jim Lovell was, in its original rendering: "Houston, we've had a problem here. We've had a main B bus undervolt". However, the first notification to Houston that there was a problem was by fellow astronaut Jack Swigert, who used almost identical words. The official Nasa chronology [3] lists the messages as:
55:55:20 – Swigert: "Okay, Houston, we've had a problem here."
55:55:28 – Lousma: "This is Houston. Say again please."
55:55:35 – Lovell: "Houston, we've had a problem. We've had a main B bus undervolt."
However, in the movie Apollo 13, Tom Hanks says Houston, we have a problem