Originally Posted By: Lothar of The Hill People
The west Texas prosecutor who handled Nelson's case had suggested Nelson, a treasured icon in the Lone Star state, could pay just a $100 fine if he'd serenade the court with his 1975 hit "Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain." The judge quickly vetoed that offer.

"You can bet your ass I'm not going to be mean to Willie Nelson," Hudspeth County Attorney C.R. "Kit" Bramblett told CNN at the time.
Bramblett was in court Monday and unavailable to comment on how he might handle Snoop Dogg's prosecution.

\:lol\: Let's see.

This is in Texas.

Willie Nelson, a white "treasured icon of the Lone Star state".

Snoop "black pro-pot rapper" Dogg.

I wonder if they'll offer Snoop the same deal for a serenade for the court... \:lol\: