Originally Posted By: Im Not Mister Mxyzptlk
Does any real person seriously believe the movie is anti-right or whatever?

Not necessarily anti-right. However, it does go out of its way to feed the perception that the private sector is "THE DEVIL!!"

I think writing the movie that way has more to do with Hollywood and an attempt to entice the audiences that hold similar anti-private sector views. The problem with this however--and most films with similar angles nowadays (see also: every recent Clooney film)--is that they continually assume that the audience leans that way just because Hollywood does; the movie isn't doing so well.

And really, do people honestly believe MSNBC and friends wouldn't jump on the film if the villain was the head of an environmental/community/PETA organization? Lest we forget how they actually took the time to break down that SNL skit in Obama's defense.

I'm not so much concerned with the Henson company's attempt at a "gotcha" by pulling the "FAUXNEWS!" defense. What I'm more interested in is what Frank Oz (or whoever was voicing Piggy) said: "Yeah, if they take what I say seriously, they've got a real big problem."

Uh, yeah, sorry but The Jon Stewart defense doesn't work in this instances. Muppet films are geared towards kids, and if I have children, I'm going to take whatever it is that they watch seriously. Whether it be the Muppets, the Teletubbies, the Gummy Bears (I miss that show), or Zoom I'm going to police what they watch.

So that was less than smart for him to say.