Okay. You've been made editor-in-chief of MARVEL. You have been given a command by your Corporate (hi rob!) Disney Masters: Eliminate the entire X-Universe, save twelve. Twelve Mutants to restart the entire X-Franchise. No more, no less.

And the kicker? Anyone you DON'T pick will be killed and the character rights sold off so that they can never be brought back to life.

Your first thought is: "My god! These people are insane! Throwing away that much dough!!"

Your second thought: "My godx2! Who do I save?"

For example, my X-Men:

1) Professor Xavier

2) Cyclops

3) Wolverine

4) Jean Grey

5) Emma Frost

6) Beast

7) Forge

8) Warlock

9) Longshot

10) Colossus

11) Nightcrawler

12) Cannonball

So, who is YOUR X-Dozen?