Some things:

1) I wonder if Black Widow is going to turn traitor like she did in Ultimates?

2) Looks like Tony lays some smackdown on Thor. I guess I don't mind that, since the movie Thor is nowhere near as powerful as the Marvel Comics version. The movie one is more Ultimates-level, than anything. I like what looks to be a backlash from Thor striking the shield. THAT looks awesome.

3) Oof. Not impressed with the Banner lines I'm hearing from Ruffalo. He sounds kind of....thuggish. Especially the nonsense "timebomb" line (wtf does that even mean?) Guess I'll have to hear it in context.

4) Poor fucking Hawkeye hasn't even gotten a damn line yet. I wonder if he'll die in this one (ala' the Bendis storyline)?

Either way, total erection. I'm ready for some popcorn-fucking-explosions and shit! Get some!