Originally Posted By: Pariah
Not sure why you quoted "redefine." I didn't say that.

I did however, point out that being extreme in something is not necessarily conducive to violent tendencies.

As such, the only one "redefining" anything is you since you claim that extremism is conducive to violence.

a person who goes to extremes, especially in political matters.
a supporter or advocate of extreme doctrines or practices.

extremist (ɪkˈstriːmɪst) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]

— n
1. a person who favours or resorts to immoderate, uncompromising, or fanatical methods or behaviour, esp in being politically radical

— adj
2. of, relating to, or characterized by immoderate or excessive actions, opinions, etc

Unsurprisingly, any reference to an inherent violence on the part of someone who's extreme in something is absent.

So, once again, reality has made a fool of you....Or rather you made a fool of yourself by trying to manipulate reality according to your own bias. Either works.

The definition perfectly describes Prometheus' continued over-the-top remarks and stated ideological views.

Pro advocates Leninist type revolution and redistribution of wealth (and with Orwellian irony, describes his political opposition as "traitors" and "extreme")
He lies shamelessly and slanderously in post after post. Anything that opposes his leftist Revolution (no matter how moral) is immoral, whatever serves the revolution (no matter how immoral) becomes moral.
All lies, all slanders, are permitted. They serve the Revolution.

I'd say a guy like Prometheus, who advocates this kind of revolution in the most free and democratic country in the world, and further advocates the extermination of his political opposition, and elsewhere openly fantasizes about the murder or death of conservatives, fits his own definition of radical "extremist' more than any of us he tries to slap the label on.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.