Originally Posted By: PCG342
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I wonder why they felt the need to have Joss Whedon and Kevin Feige up there with them? Are we supposed to cheer the mediocrity that is Joss Whedon, and celebrate the unprofessional assjack that is Kevin Feige?

 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
I bet Hawkeye will be gay...

Oh hey, I was WAAAY off on plot points. When I saw the clip in the trailer of Widow fighting Hawkeye, I made the incorrect assumption--based on her comic book history--that she would turn on them. And I took a guess with Hawkeye, but it was really a bit of a joke on my part about Whedon's Buffy-style writing. I honestly can't believe the movie plot distinctly proved me wrong on that part. Of course, we never saw Clint return her affections, so... ;\)

But, fuck Kevin Feige. He's still a fucking prick in every interview I've read with him.

Joss has won some favor with me, though. He might have finally learned to write.

 Originally Posted By: Grimm
 Originally Posted By: Prometheus
Agent Coulson has signed multi-movie deals, so he's considered part of the pack...

but why? what is his purpose? he's pretty much extraneous so far. unless there's going to be some sort of big reveal about him later on he's the Marvel equivalent of a redshirt.

I think we have the answer to that.
Coulson was pretty awesome, though.

Agreed. It was his time to shine!