Originally Posted By: BatRob

the boo parts:

1) hawkeye. seriously, what the fuck. premise-wise, he's already the silliest character of the group. a super soldier, a robot-man, a monster, a god, a hot chick with big thingies and... an archer. you're a shit, get out of here. oh, but wait, lets pile on! in the first 20 seconds, you're defeated by the bad guy, made to turn on your whole team, and then beat up by a girl. congrats, you're a dick.

Hawkeye got the short end of the plot. But, then, someone had to. And since Scarlett cost so much money to get, you've got to give her something to do. Thus, Hawkeye presented as a human SHIELD agent who just happens to be better using a bow than a gun. That last point is about as bothersome, for me, as a guy who instantly gains 4000lbs of green mass muscle. It's a comic book. I'll let him have the archery, if they just give him a better role in the script next movie.

And, yes, archers are always badasses. Fuck you.

2) loki. i just don't find him intimidating. i can see accepting the role as just part of the cog, so's they could introduce and focus on the rest of the team - and to that extent, he filled the job. but otherwise... meh. even in comics, i hate when one character's villain is somehow powerful enough to take on 10 more characters. how come the guy who always defeats him can't do it this time? why is he dragging his baggage into everyone else's problems? why did loki spend half the time captured? why did he go to germany? why is he such a tool?

You're not human. I'm the straightest man you know and even I wanted to fuck Tom Hiddleston. But, as with Hawkeye, Loki didn't get a lot of meat to work with. And, a sympathetic character in THOR's solo movie works. A straight-up villain takes some of the depth of the character. But, I think he's easily as good as Michael Fassbender is as Magneto. So...fuck you.

3) stan lee's cameo. i actually like the stan lee moments in marvel films, but i thought this one was lame. was i supposed to enjoy the irony of him saying all these things he created couldn't be heroes in new york...? cuz i didn't. this was his chance to mark out!

Man. That's a little nitpicky even for me. But, I mean, whatevs. The Lee got his cameo check and gets the blowjobs. It's his world. You just paid $12 to sit in it. Fuck you.

4) captain america. i think evans is decent in the role, but the character is just not good. its a pale version of millar's ultimates cap. there's no toughness or militant kick-your-assness about him. his suit is also a bit too super heroey when compared to the rest of the group, and the universe they've provided. and, for whatever reason (and this was true in the cap film, as well) all the special effects that have him jumping higher or running faster just seem not well done. like, somehow, it looks more realistic to have the thunder god fly to the top of the chrysler building than to have this soldier leap over two cars.

I.....agree about the outfit. I'd have preferred to see the awesome WWII helmet outfit from his solo movie. That would have emphasized to me a man-out-of-time more visually than his sulking.

BUT...and I mean Sir Mix-a-Lot style....Chris Evan's character is spot-on as Steve Rogers. He's not supposed to be impressive. He's not supposed to be "flash" and "cool". He's not supposed to be the American-40's-primate that Millar parodies in ULTIMATES (which I personally always found insulting and completely missing the point of the character). He's Steve Rogers. The underdog that protects the weak. His ideology is that of the classic American Dream, versus the modern "Oohh Wolverine!" shit. Leave my other boyfriend alone. Fuck you.