Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: Son of Mxy
On the other hand, there's also facebook posts saying that he's a tea partier...

The 'tea partier' thing is because some idiot at ABC news did a google search and found out that there was James Holmes who was a tea partier...but missed the part where that James Holmes was also a 52 year old hispanic male.

Beyond that, it's pretty obvious that this was about a guy being crazy, not political.

It was such an embarassing speculation on their part that they later were forced to apologize for it.

But it was a rather small and obscure retraction. And pretty much the only place the wild speculation and retraction got any coverage was by Breitbart and other conservative media.

Just pointing out:

1) The Tea Party began 3 years ago, the liberal media immediately began speculating that they were crazy and violent, going out of their way to find the 1 in 10,000 protestors that had a questionable sign that could be interpreted (not actually) to be racist or inciting violence.

2) Two years later when the Occupy Wall Street movement began, the same liberal media went out of their way to avoid reporting, excuse and downplay ACTUAL violence on the part of OWS. While still demonizing the Tea Party that in four years now has committeed absolutely no violence.

3) When Jared Loughner shot Rep. Giffords and many others in Arizona, the liberal media viciously and factlessly blamed the shooting on the Tea Party. Despite that friends and fellow students of Loughner described him as a "liberal pothead" and there was absolutely no evidence of him ever visiting a conservative/Tea Party website or physical meeting. But the media slanders on, and as if Loughner being a Tea Party member was not in complete contradiction of the facts.

4) Likewise, when the Trayvon Martin shooting occurred, they were quick to similarly label George Zimmerman as a white racist predator of an innocent black kid. And was somehow typical of the white racist Tea Party right to bear arms gun-toting mentality. Except --OH NO!!-- Zimmerman turned out to be racially and culturally hispanic, and even a registered Democrat, so that liberal-media slander didn't hold up to scrutiny either.

5) Now we have this nut-job cutting loose in an Aurora, Colorado movie theatre and killing 12 people and wounding 59. And --what a shock!!-- the media once again tried to smear the Tea Party as somehow responsible for the crime, despite the evidence for that assertion quickly falling apart.

Would that the liberal media were held accountable for their consistent lies, over a four- year period. And counting.

  • from Do Racists have lower IQ's...

    Liberals who bemoan discrimination, intolerance, restraint of Constitutional freedoms, and promotion of hatred toward various abberant minorities, have absolutely no problem with discriminating against, being intolerant of, restricting Constitutional freedoms of, and directing hate-filled scapegoat rhetoric against conservatives.

    EXACTLY what they accuse Republicans/conservatives of doing, is EXACTLY what liberals/Democrats do themselves, to those who oppose their beliefs.