CAFFE AMERICANO (Caffé Americano)

To make a Caffe Americano, pull a single shot of espresso and then add about 6 ounces of hot water—the strength should be similar to drip filter coffee. Caffe Americano is the Italian way of serving espresso “American style.” Add milk and/or sugar if desired.

CAFE AU LAIT (Café Au Lait)

This delicious French coffee drink is prepared using strongly brewed coffee (French Press is best) or espresso served in a large, bowl-shaped cup (a white porcelain cup or bowl is best) along with heated milk or steamed milk but not foam.

The hot milk is traditionally served in a separate pitcher, and then when everything is ready and proper, mix equal amounts of the two ingredients to taste.

The open-mouthed cup or bowl-shaped cup enhances the beverage, and is also great for warming you hands on those chilly winter days. Another benefit of a large porcelain cup is that it is great for dipping your brioche or croissant, if you are a dipper.