I've recently been getting into Newton's runs in DETECTIVE and BATMAN. Many already in my collection, and more that I recently purchased.

I also enjoyed his Shazam run in WORLD'S FINEST 253-281.

He died when he was 49, just a few months short of his 50th birthday, which is approximately the age I am now!

Also interesting is how he'd wanted to work for Marvel for 15 years, and then was disgusted with them when he finally worked for them, and after worked almost exclusively for DC.

A clean art style, detailed and clean linestyle, quite nice with the right inker. The only inker I didn't like on him is Alcala.

A comtemporary of Aparo, Rogers, Buckler and early Golden at DC, with some similarities to these artists of the late 1970's and early 1980's. Part of an era at DC , particularly on the Batman titles. He immediately followed Rogers, beginning with DETECTIVE 480, and had a run from 1979 to late 1984 on the character.